How to train your puppy to pee outside in 6 easy steps

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This article will teach you how to train your puppy to pee outside in  easy steps so that you can avoid accidents in the house and save yourself some cleaning up time!

This guide should apply to most dogs, but if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to leave them in the comments section below! Enjoy!

1) Find out what motivates your dog


Dog, Pet, Animal, Cute, Golden Retriever

Dogs can’t tell us how they feel, so we have to learn what motivates them.

The single most important factor when it comes to training a dog is knowing what motivates them.

There are dozens of factors you might consider (your dog’s breed, their personality, quirks, their favorite activities), but one of your most important considerations should be where they do their business.

They may love treats, playing fetch, or going for a car ride—but if those things don’t translate into going potty where you want them to go, you won’t get very far with house training.

To successfully train your dog to use an outdoor area as their bathroom, you need to figure out what motivates them, and then use that motivation as a reward during training.

If they like chewing on bones, give them a bone after each successful trip outdoors.

If they like chasing tennis balls, let them play fetch with their ball after each successful trip outdoors.

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And remember: dogs will repeat behaviors that are rewarded (and repeat behaviors that aren’t).

So if you give your dog extra attention after they pee on the carpet or poop in front of guests instead of taking them outside right away, chances are good that behavior will continue.

2) Choose good timing


Nature, Dog, Greyhound, Saluki, Pet

Like humans, puppies go when they have to go.

You should be able to see signs that your puppy needs to eliminate—perhaps he’ll start circling or scratching at a certain area.

If you can wait until after he’s eaten and rested, it’s best.

Dogs generally need more sleep when they’re puppies, so it’s a good idea not to wake them up during nap time if you can avoid it.

Just before and right after meals are also good times because dogs tend not to want to relieve themselves while eating or right after a meal has been digested.

But again, pay attention! He may very well need to go even though you think he doesn’t.

Make sure nothing is distracting you around (like other animals or people) and take him out immediately if you notice any of these signs.

Your dog should relieve himself on grass than on carpeting, but don’t expect miracles:

The majority of pups will still make mistakes from time to time.

It’s important not to get frustrated; just clean it up as soon as possible with an enzymatic cleaner designed for pet messes (most carpet cleaners won’t work).

There are also dog potty pads available that let owners direct where their pets do their business—they look like giant sheets of paper towel material and absorb liquid almost instantly.

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3) Reward good behavior


To get started, you should focus on praising and rewarding your dog for desirable behavior—and stop rewarding it for undesirable behavior.

If you catch your dog relieving itself outdoors and reward them by immediately petting or playing with them, they will learn to repeat that good behavior.

The opposite is true as well; if you punish an undesired action, a dog will not want to repeat it (in fact, they may never do that action again out of fear of being punished).

Remember: positive reinforcement is always better than punishment.

If a dog eliminates inside or chews up something important when you’re not around, ignore their actions until they perform the desired action instead.

Then, praise them and give them a treat. They’ll quickly learn what behaviors are acceptable.

4) Make it fun


Dog, Adorable, Animal, Cute, Happiness

This one should be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget to have fun when training their puppies.

Everything from positive reinforcement with treats and praise, to having plenty of toys around for them to play with will go a long way.

Fun builds trust between you and your pup.

When they see that there’s something really enjoyable about using their new potty spot, they won’t want to go anywhere else.

Ultimately, if you can make it seem like an exciting game that they can win every time—that is a recipe for success!

5) Be patient

One of your biggest challenges as a new owner is getting your dog accustomed to going on a leash.

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He may resist or be scared at first, but he needs you as much as you need him.

Don’t give up too soon; it might take a few weeks of practice before he feels comfortable with his collar and leash.

Be patient, affectionate, and consistent with praise when they do go potty where you want them to go!

Each small success will build confidence for both of you.

You can even use treats or toys to reward good behavior, just make sure that if you are training your pup not to go inside then don’t reward him for doing so.

This can confuse him about what you want from him and lead to more accidents indoors later on.

For example: If your dog goes potty outdoors, don’t let them eat until after their next bathroom break.

6) Stay consistent


Couple, Love, Outdoors, Walking, Pair

If you want your puppy to go pee when you take him outside, make sure that every time he goes out—whether you’re there or not—he goes potty.

If he pees, give him lots of praise and a treat; if he doesn’t, bring him back inside and try again later.

Repeat until done. Consistency is important when training a dog; and it’s especially vital for something like housetraining because dogs are creatures of habit.

Even if it takes longer than seven days to successfully potty-train a puppy (and sometimes it does), staying consistent with rewards can help ensure that he’s well-trained in no time at all.


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